Wansbeck Riverside Caravan Park is committed to providing a quality service in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace and protection of the environment. We will operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and compliance obligations and strive to use pollution prevention and environmental best practices in all we do.
We will:
- Integrate the consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into all of our decision making and activities.
- Promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner.
- Train, educate and inform our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work.
- Reduce waste through re-use and recycling and by purchasing recycled, recyclable or re-furbished products and materials where these alternatives are available, economical and suitable.
- Promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout our facility including water, electricity, raw materials and other resources.
- Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are fit for purpose.
- Minimise emissions through metering and the selection of appropriate power sources.
- Where required by legislation or where significant health, safety or environmental hazards exist, develop and maintain appropriate emergency and spill response programmes;
- Strive to continually improve our environmental performance through reviewing this policy, identified risks and opportunities and by setting improvement objectives giving consideration to current and planned future activities.